Thom’s World
Thom’s World
...and thanks for checking me out.
This website is really just something I’ve thrown together as an experiment and as a means by which to publish a few of the photographs, films, and videos that I have accumulated over the past 40 years or so. More images will be added as I find them (and there are a lot more. I’ve closets and trunks full of them).
Do please poke around my little pop-culture experiment. If you see something you like, email me and let me know.
Likewise, should you find something you don’t like ...don’t hesitate to drop me a note about that as well.
welcome to my World
All photography on this website is mine unless otherwise notated. Some of it is quite old. The rest, not so much.
That having been said, the dashing and handsome young fellow you see in the picture below is actually myself
…about 300 years ago.
My late father gets the credit for this one....